Work on web Securing your site should be at the forefront of every site owner’s mind. It doesn’t matter if your site is big or small, if it’s important to your business, you need to keep it safe. As a WordPress site owner, I’ve created a list that I review every time I build a new site for myself or a client. I’m going to share it with you in the hopes that you’ll pick up some new ideas. Let’s take a look at what it takes to secure a website.
Choosing a secure hosting
It should be obvious, but security starts with your hosting provider. I’ve used everything from “do-it-yourself hosting” to “premium hosting.” The trick is finding the service you need and the support you’re comfortable with.
Check the support offered
The first thing I do when considering a new host is check out their support and response times. I sign up to try them out, set up a site, and then contact support to ask a question. How quickly they respond and how well they understand the question gives me clues about what to expect if I host my site with them.
Check the security features
I then check their website and hosting plans to see what security tools and features they provide. I look for essentials like an SSL certificate to encrypt and protect my website data, domain privacy to hide my personal information from public Whois databases, 2-factor authentication to protect my website from Qatar Email Database unauthorized access, geographically distributed backups to have a backup of my website in case something goes wrong.
Another key security measure I would like my hosting provider to use is a Web Application Firewall (a piece of software that sits in front of my website and protects it from malicious traffic) to keep my server safe from software exploits. I check to see if they provide protection from DDOS and brute-force attacks , and an option for automatic updates to the latest versions of PHP and WordPress to protect the site from malware.
If the hosting provides more security tools, even better. For example, in addition to all these features available on the SiteGround platform , they also offer the Site Scanner service and a free and integrated security plugin for WordPress, SiteGround Security , to make sure your site is as safe as possible.
Finally, I check their price ranges to see which one my site might fall into. Price is the last thing I check because if the first two points on my list aren’t met, the price doesn’t matter. They could give you the service for free and I wouldn’t use it anyway.
Build your site so it’s secure from the start
Once you have the foundation for your site, it’s time to Buy Email Database List start building it. At every step, you need to make sure that security is “built in” and not forced on whenever possible.
Security is built in when you think about it before you start building your website. It’s not when you create an entire site and then decide to simply add a security-focused plugin to take precautions. The integrated solution is always the best.
What does it mean to integrate security?
Install an SSL certificate as soon as you have your website set up
Don’t wait until you’re ready to publish your site Bulk Database before remembering to install your SSL certificate. A secure website is just a few clicks away these days. Take the time to do this now and then make sure to force all traffic to be over https. For those of you hosting with SiteGround, Site Tools makes it easy to set up and force SSL. Just a few clicks and you’re ready to go.
Set a strong password policy before you start adding users
Passwords are the lock on the front door of your site. When you create your site, put a strong lock on the front door by requiring all users to use strong passwords. Doing this before you allow users to start logging into your site will ensure that no user sets up weak passwords.