WhatsApp to limit As the world continues to battle the spread of the coronavirus, the internet industry is invariably facing the burden of running businesses and keeping people busy. To prevent its servers from getting bogg down, even WhatsApp is making changes to its app.
During this month, country after country impose impositions and lockdowns on people, asking them to stay indoors and work remotely if possible. Naturally, people’s reliance on the internet explode overnight. This to a significant increase in the number of users of many applications, especially OTT platforms, social media, and messaging services. To ensure that their infrastructure does not get frie, they have introduce certain restrictions around the world.
WhatsApp is joining the fray now
By limiting the duration of video clips shared as Russia WhatsApp Number List statuses to 15 seconds. The videos will be automatically cut off if you don’t specify the segment you want to use. This imposition has been brought only in India for now. Not entirely surprising, given that India has the largest number of WhatsApp users.
Limiting only status posts is perhaps the least invasive way to reduce data usage without significantly impacting the user experience. This is also because videos as a Status don’t have to WhatsApp Number Database be explicitly download, unlike everywhere else on WhatsApp – they just start buffering when you view them.
WhatsApp is not the only one taking such measures.
Even YouTube has restrict videos to 480p in India Bulk Database for mobile users as it forms a significant portion of the total user base. These steps need to be follow collectively so that everyone can continue to enjoy these apps without any hassle. It is not clear how long this restriction will be in place. But we doubt it will be remove anytime soon.