WhatsApp end-to-end encrypted backups are rolling out to Android and iOS

Starting today, WhatsApp is adding end-to-end encryption to your cloud backups on Android and iOS. While WhatsApp itself has been end-to-end encrypted by default for the past five years, until now, if you chose to back up your chats to Google Drive (from the Android version of WhatsApp) or iCloud (if you’re on iOS), those backups wouldn’t be encrypted.

Now however you can enable end-to-end encryption for your backups

The way WhatsApp owner Facebook describes it in its announcement, it sounds like it won’t be enable by default, but you’ll have to actively choose to enable it by going to Settings > Chats > Chat Backup > End-to-End Encrypted Backup.

When you do this, you’ll need to use either a password Bulgaria WhatsApp Number List of your choice or a 64-digit encryption key that only you know. Once you’ve set all this up, neither WhatsApp nor Google or Apple will be able to read your backups without your key or password.

Facebook rightly points out that

WhatsApp is the only global messaging service to offer this level of security at such a scale. The new feature enabling end-to-end encryption of backups will be roll out slowly to those with the latest version of WhatsApp for Android or iOS.

Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Facebook WhatsApp Number Database Messenger are all experiencing outages right now. Many users around the world are having trouble logging into Facebook’s services.

We’ve spott issues with each of these apps and the desktop services for each of Facebook’s platforms. DownDetector – a website that tracks online service outages – also shows that each of these services is currently struggling in various territories.

There is currently no way to avoid the issues

So you will just have to wait until they are Bulk Database resolve to reconnect to WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook.

Some users have also report issues with the company’s Oculus virtual reality gaming services.

We haven’t heard the reason for the outage yet, but we’ll update here when we know more. Facebook’s head of communications, Andy Stone, share an update to say that the company is aware of the issues and is currently working on a fix.