WhatsApp brings major WhatsApp is set to bring a range of new wallpaper options to its Android app users. The upcoming changes will bring the Android app in line with the iOS app.
Recognizing the fact that people love the ability
To personalize the app in general and chats in particular, WhatsApp is introducing various wallpaper-related customization options that will give users the ability to put their stamp on their conversations.
The changes mean that it will soon be possible to set India WhatsApp Number List a custom wallpaper for each chat in progress. It’s a handy way to not only personalize things, but also remind yourself at a glance which chat you’re engaged in – although you’ll also have the option to use the same image for all chats.
In addition to allowing users to choose a particular image for a chat
WhatsApp will also give users the option to change the WhatsApp Number Database opacity of the wallpaper. You can opt for a solid wallpaper or something slightly transparent.
Wallpaper glue
The latest beta version of the WhatsApp app for Android offers users a choice of 32 bright wallpapers and 29 dark ones. There is also the option to set the wallpaper to be a solid color. Which opens up the possibility of using a WhatsApp Doodle as an overlay.
If you want to try out these new wallpaper Bulk Database options. You’ll need to be running the beta version of the WhatsApp app on Android. There’s no free space on the beta program right now, but you can keep an eye on things here.