What to do if your phone number already exists on the app?

It may happen that when you get a new phone number, when you activate WhatsApp you are surprise to find that your profile already exists in the messaging service , therefore, you are add to several group chats and strangers write to you as if they were your lifelong friends. Although this situation is not common, it is necessary to know what happens and what you can do to solve it. Here we explain it to you.

In this regard, you should know that all WhatsApp accounts are associate with a mobile phone number. As it is common for mobile providers to recycle phone numbers, it is possible that the previous owner of your current number use Meta’s messaging app.

If the previous user of your phone number hasn’t deleted their WhatsApp account , you and your contacts may see that the phone number is active on the app before you activate a new account. You may also see another person’s profile picture and Info section associated with that phone number. YOU CAN SEE: WhatsApp: how to use two accounts on your phone at the same time without installing strange apps?
However, you don’t have to worry. This just means that the old account hasn’t been delete yet, so there is outdate information in the system. In no way does the previous user of the phone number have access to the WhatsApp account you just activate. Your conversations and other data are safe.

What to do if my number already exists on WhatsApp?

Although the person using your phone number will no longer Afghanistan WhatsApp Number List be able to access your conversations or what you do from now on, you can ensure your privacy with the following measures: WhatsApp receives the function to add contacts with QR code on Android phones
Through the WABetaInfo portal it was reveal that WhatsApp would receive the new function that allows users to add contacts using a QR code. This long-awaited feature was only available in the iOS beta. However, a recent report indicates that it can also be use on Android phones. WhatsApp had recently enable QR code support in the latest iOS beta updates on TestFlight and this Friday WhatsApp is officially rolling out the feature to all Android beta testers.

How to access hidden WhatsApp features

Did you know that there is a way to access WhatsApp ‘s hidden features before they are officially released to the general public? It’s very simple and all you have to do is participate in the app’s beta program. The first step is to sign up for the WhatsApp beta testers community . If you are an Android user, you can do this WhatsApp Number Database from the Google Play website , by clicking on the “Become a tester” button. Once you have done this, the word Beta will appear next to the app in the app store. On iOS, you’ll need to install the TestFlight app . Once you’ve entered it, press the ‘Continue’ button and then read the terms and conditions. The beta invitation link will appear , from there select the ‘Start testing’ option. Finally, this will take you to a section to install the trial version of WhatsApp.

How to convert WhatsApp audios into text messages

Thousands of users have been surprise to learn that there is a secret method that allows us to convert the audios that are sent to us on WhatsApp into text messages . This great trick can be Bulk Database of great help when we are in class or at a work meeting and we cannot play the voice notes that we receive. For those users who want to know the content of voice messages without having to listen to them, we explain the incredible trick you should apply to transcribe into text what has been sent to us on WhatsApp in a simple and free way.