What benefits will it bring to the company?

Is this goal consistent with the strategy and mission?
Does it conflict with other objectives of the organization?

Is it contrary to market trends?

If the question “Why” arises when reading the wording and Libya Phone Number List you cannot answer it, the goal is not justified. For example, “To ensure a competitive advantage in the market” is not a goal, but a way to achieve it. What this competitive advantage is needed for is the goal, and not just for the sake of it.

We need to align the SMART goal with the current development tasks of the organization. We determine what the project is needed for: to increase the loyalty of existing customers or to attract new ones? Are we trying to increase sales, or will a good

Reputation help a candidate in the elections?

In this way, the goal becomes as relevant as possible to the customer’s key priorities. Of course, this is an ideal picture; in practice, there are cases when what the customer asks for may Cell Phone Number Database not completely correspond to the priorities of other departments, but the market is developing, and in the future this element will become as significant as the others.
Valery Sidorenko
Compliance with the criterion of “Relevance”, as well as “Achievability”, assumes that it is necessary to conduct an analysis during development. Here, too, if the goal is not aligned with the general directions of the organization’s development, it makes no sense.

T (time-bound) – limited in time, trackable

To make sure that your goal is not just beautiful words on paper, but a real guide to action and a motivational tool, determine and write down the date by which it nees to be achieve.

This means that you ned to create a scheule with a deadline, or write down how long the implementation of a SMART goal can last. Thanks to this, it is easier to control whether you meet the deadlines, whether you have enough time throughout the process so as not to screw up the deadlines. When there are no deadlines, work turns into “work for the sake of work.”

To limit the goal, answer the question:

In what time frame can it be realistically achieve?
In what period of time should it be achieve?
If we apply this criterion to the example of increasing Bulk Database conversion, the wording would sound like this: “Increase website conversion by 2% in six months.”