Traffic control and Zero Trust via Service Mesh

Traffic control and As companies undergo digital transformation, they are in a constant competition with potential hackers, attackers and malicious individuals – and for good reason. Security boundaries have disappeared, the attack surface continues to grow and new attack vectors are constantly emerging.

Add to this global disruption and a geographically dispersed workforce that is increasingly working from home, and it is no surprise that security breaches, hacks and attacks fill the daily news.

Next-generation technologies – such as modern cloud-native approaches and microservices – have eliminated the network perimeter. Not so long ago, a perimeter separated an organization from the outside world. Today, there is no “inside” and “outside”; everything is considered “outside.”

A larger attack surface, i.e. a larger number of unprotected and potentially vulnerable resources, opens more avenues for cybercriminals to enter. How can companies reduce their attack surface, strengthen their security measures and reduce their overall risk? This article addresses exactly this question.

Priority No. 1: Safety

Why is security of the utmost importance for most companies? Recent studies show that for 83 percent of companies, “it is not a question of if a data breach will occur, but when – usually it Spain Phone Number List happens more than once.” The average cost of a data breachworldwide amount to 4.35 million US dollars (currently around 4.016 million euros).

Forward-thinking companies have implemented Defense in Depth (DiD), a multi-layered, coordinated approach with multiple security measures to protect valuable data and information. Zero Trust, another currently promoted approach, basically means: check, check and check again, then trust and verify. The report ” The State of Zero Trust Security 2022“ shows how widespread the approach is already.

There is therefore an understanding that companies

Can only respond to the changing threat situation with a new security approach. But time is running out to implement this. Authorities, corporations and small and medium-sized companies are struggling to secure their resources – with numerous teams, on multiple devices and at multiple locations. One of the biggest challenges is determining exactly what needs to be secured.

Microservices and modern applications are made up of cell phone number listing exponentially more parts than previous generations of applications. A microservice may contain ten individual parts, whereas an earlier application had only one. Breaking down these multi-part applications and services requires considering how all of these parts communicate over the network – a network that, by its nature, should not be trust.

Service Mesh as a solution

With the cloud-native approach, companies develop new types of applications and microservices that are easier to scale and create greater business value. In microservices, the software consists of small, independent services that communicate via well-define interfaces (APIs).

This introduces new security risks (and a larger attack surface). Basically, more traffic is being pass over the network, which means more parts of applications to track. There are also Bulk Database more (and more frequent) changes to those applications. And as cloud-native initiatives expand, the number of developers and application development teams is growing.

This raises several questions: Is the network trustworthy? As more and more teams contribute to these applications, how can you ensure that everyone involve can be identifie? How can you manage the security of applications and services that are outside your own domain ? How can you continue to validate everything when changes keep coming? How can you audit contractors and the software they create? This is where a service mesh can help.