Local push notifications are creat The user drives past a chain of restaurants by the app locally and offline. Notifications can be scheul as a reminder to be sent at a specific time of day or geographic location.
If the notification is sent at a time when the application is not. Running or is running in the background, the system will show the notification to the user: if he clicks on this notification, the system will transfer him to the application, and also optionally perform the action embedd in a specific push (for example, open a specific screen).
In the case when the application is active
The system will send a notification to the application Hungary Phone Number List for its processing, i.e. it will immiately perform the action in the push. All the logic that must be execute after receiving the push and opening it, the mobile application developer himself sets in the application code .
Examples of local notifications:
You want to notify the user that the races he wanted to watch will start in 20 minutes (time interval).
Today is a friend’s birthday (calendar).
The user has visited a restaurant or exhibition and is asked to leave a review (location).
local push notifications
Remote push notifications are sent to the user’s device from Cell Phone Number Database the server via APNs (Apple Push Notification service). Since all the settings and sending are on the server side, not the mobile application, the sending and content can be very flexibly configur. Remote push notifications are use to transmit information in real time.
How to send local and remote notifications?
To send remote push notifications, you to get a registration token.
The APNs service nes to know the address of the user’s device. The registration token – before it can send notifications to that device. This address takes the form of a device token, which is Bulk Database unique to both the device and your app. When your app starts, it communicates with. APNs and receives a token for its device. Which you then forward to your server. Your server uses this token for all notifications it sends.
Having a registration token for a specific user. You can send push notifications to their device via your own server, a third-party service, or Firebase Cloud Messaging.
The process of receiving a token and. Sending push notifications can be seen in the diagram below.