Notification messages and Data messages

The Notifications Composer tool provides a graphical interface for composing and customizing messages to send notifications. For full automation and support for all notification types , you must create notification requests in a truste server environment that supports the Firebase Admin SDK or FCM server protocols. This environment can be Cloud Functions for Firebase, App Engine, or your own server.

The FCM backend, which accepts notification requests

Branches notifications into topics, and generates Ghana Phone Number List notification metadata such as the notification ID.

The platform transport layer that routes the notification to the target device, handles notification delivery, and applies platform-specific configuration if necessary. This transport layer includes:
Android Transport Layer (ATL) for Android devices with Google Play services.
Apple Push Notification Service (APN) for Apple devices.

Web Push protocol for web applications.

Note: Transport layers are not part of the core FCM product. FCM Ghana Phone Number Database notifications routed to a platform’s transport layer may be govern by terms specific to that platform, not the FCM terms of service. Routing Android messages through ATL is subject to the Google API terms of service .

FCM messages come in two types :

Notification messages are standard push messages with a body, title, icon, and sound. FCM handles notifications in two ways:

If the app is in the background, the notification is sent to the Bulk Database notification bar and the app does not nee to process it. The app receives the data when the user taps the notification to open it.
If the app was opene, the notification is sent to it and the app’s handler is call with the data.
Data messages are customizable messages with user data. The application handler is always call and the application processes the data.

Once the data is received using any of the methods, a notification is shown to the user. To create and send a notification, you need the Notification API and NotificationManager API.