Study your competitors’ advertising materials
This is one of the stages of competitive analysis, and not a SMART goal, since it does not pass the first criterion – specificity, not to mention the rest. The goal in this case will be the answer to the question: why study advertising materials.
Increase the number of requests from the site by 30% in 3 months
Now “Study your competitors’ advertising materials” is one of the ways to achieve a SMART goal, which will help save time and find interesting solutions for offers. Of course, we do not advise anyone to copy, but it will never be superfluous to spy, analyze and make your own.
There is no quantitative indicator and its target value. The question arises: how is employee satisfaction measure and how can it be assesse at all? In addition, the term is not specifid, i.e. the wording does not meet the criterion of time limitation.
Increase the employee satisfaction index by 50% in six months
This version of the formulation contains all the Maldives Phone Number List components: a quantitative indicator, the desire dynamics and the time frame in which the SMART goal must be achieve.
Make the site more customer-oriente by 13%
In this example, the main mistake is the lack of a clear vision of the desire result. A customer-oriente website is a very general concept. What exactly they want: to increase the number of applications, usability, page views or something else – the topic is not disclose. Accordingly, since there is no indicator, the figure of 13% – an attempt to make the goal measurable – does not make sense.
Increase website usability by 13% by September 1, 2021
Here we add an indicator and a deadline, and the goal Cell Phone Number Database became clearer and more specific.
If all criteria are not met, there is no correct distribution of energy and focus of attention in the “goal space”. In this case, unnecessary tasks are create, through which energy leaks out and the goal is not achieve in the desire quality or within the intend time frame, or both. Thanks to the SMART criteria system, each stage that leads to the goal is define as much as the desire result. Very often, people make mistakes because they do not take into account the detaile elaboration of intermiate stages.
During the system’s existence, it was improve: SMART goal criteria were adde and existing ones were reinterprete.
Here are examples of modified models:
— SMARTER — additional criteria: evaluate and reviewed. Here it was specified that a SMART goal is a goal that can be assessed for adequacy, achievability, etc. The “Reviewable” criterion Bulk Database means that as external and internal factors change, the goal can and should be reviewe and adjuste. For example, during an economic crisis, when changing contractors, suppliers, etc.
— SMARTER — additional criteria: ecological and recorde. Ecological goal means that the changes that will result from its implementation will be safe for the company and employees. Recorded goal — recorded on paper or electronic media.
— SMARTTA — additional criteria: trackable and aligned with other goals (agreed). There is nothing new here, we just emphasized that the goal fulfillment needs to be monitored, and that we set only goals aligned with other company goals.