Extreme wants to become We have heard this vision in one place or another: IT and networks in particular are too complex and consume too much maintenance time and resources. So they must be simplified. Extreme Networks repeated this classic, which is also the essence of Apple’s strategy, at its Connect conference in Berlin.
“Networks are the backbone of modern society, absolutely everything depends on them. Networkers therefore have a natural responsibility to ensure networks have a positive impact on that society.” Said Nabil Bukhari, Chief Technology & Product Officer at Extreme to IP Insider. “This in turn requires that we make the networks accessible to the whole of society. Our goal is networks that can be used by both a 100 billion dollar company and the ‘late-night shop’ around the corner.”
This would require reducing both the complexity and the cost of use. Both have increased as a result of Covid-19 and other well-known factors. In addition, the networks would have to be able to be configured according to needs.
Extreme Cloud Edge builds a fabric – no matter where
Extreme made a first attempt to reduce complexity two years ago when it released the Extreme Cloud IQ CoPilot as a beta. Artificial intelligence (AI) was intended to give network administrators “comprehensible insights” into complex disruptions as part of the Extreme Cloud IQ management solution. CoPilot records the data categories Wi-Fi efficiency. Wi-Fi capacity, Power-over- Ethernet stability ( PoE ), unfavorable data traffic patterns, uplink efficiency and Dynamic Frequency Selection Recurrence (DFS), among others.
The Extreme CTO is now making another attempt to reduce India Phone Number List complexity with the data fabric solution “Extreme Cloud Edge” presented in Berlin. It is a software package including applications such as Extreme Cloud IQ, Extreme Cloud SD- WAN and Extreme Intuitive Insights, with which company-owned clouds can be implemente from any location – hence the “Edge” in the name. This has the advantage that the predefine policies as well as compliance and security specifications are set up everywhere and immediately, without manual intervention by admins.
“Extreme now offers its customers the flexibility to create the network edge whenever and wherever they want,” says Bukhari. Bandwidth-intensive and latency-critical applications such as cloud management. Analytics and AI can now be easily moved to the network edge, which suits increasingly decentralize companies with rapidly growing user numbers. At the same time, the newly compos solution improves network performance because it brings computing power closer to users and enables the management of all cloud implementations on a single platform.
Sovereignty along the Networking Cloud Continuum
Bukhari also emphasiz to IP-Insider that users’ data sovereignty is increase by using Extreme Cloud Edge. “Cloud means something different to every company, and the desire business Cell Phone Number Database outcomes range from the speed and agility that characterize the public cloud to the compliance and data protection requirements that characterize the sovereign cloud. No customer should be to one cloud provider.”
Markus Nispel, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for EMEA,
Assist and emphasize the absolute control over the Bulk Database data that users can retain through the Extreme Cloud Edg.”No matter where the ‘edge’ is locat on the continuum from centralize data centers to end devices. The Linux Foundation clearly distinguishes between the ‘service provider edge’ and the ‘user edge’– for this purpose. The network boundary is clearly defin, which is particularly essential for critical infrastructures, especially in Europe and Germany.”
“For us, the customer experience is the most important thing.” Says Nispel. “The technology behind it needs to be encas.” Extreme is taking its cues from Apple. But even more so from Tesla. Whose highly complex vehicle technology is practically unnoticeable to the driver.