September 20, 2023
Digital marketing is constantly evolving. AI-powered Enhance your creative solutions with AI tools help advertisers adapt to changing user behavior and achieve better results. Earlier this year, we announced plans to bring automated assets and an interactive ad creation tool to Google Ads to help marketers reach consumers more effectively. Read on for more information about these tools and their availability. Show more relevant search ads with automated assets Autom…
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More information about Google Ads’ move to real-time bidding in app auctions
September 7, 2023
Updated November 1, 2023: As part of our gradual Singapore Cell Phone Number Lists phase-out of multi-invocation waterfall requests, we will begin deprecating support for multi-invocation waterfall requests in hybrid mediation chains over the coming weeks. We plan to completely phase out multi-invocation waterfall requests by January 2024. In May, we announced that Google Ads would soon be using real-time bidding in app auctions. Real-time bidding helps advertisers improve their ROI by incentivizing them to spend more on ads, which in turn expands monetization opportunities for publishers and…
Our new rules to help advertisers build a better reputation with users
August 31, 2023
Today, we’re announcing a new policy called Limited Ad Enhance your creative solutions with AI Delivery that will reduce the risk of fraud and confusing or misleading ads. Under this policy, we’ll begin using a “familiarization” period Cell Phone Number Database for advertisers about whom we have little information, during which we may limit the number of times their ads are shown. These policies will initially apply to these advertisers when they target certain brands in their ad campaigns. For example, we’ll apply these policies if the relationship between an advertiser and …
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Automotive advertising will soon be transformed into campaigns with maximum efficiency using car feeds.
August 24, 2023
The path to purchase in the automotive industry is constantly Bulk Database evolving and going digital. More and more people are starting to search for a new car online. Statistics show that 79% of new car buyers are now using search engines to gain additional information and make a decision1, using an average of 6 online sources2. For marketers, this means they must analyze data, find customer insights, and tailor their brand experience in unprecedented time. This means finding potential customers and.
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