E Book “Network as a Service (NaaS)” available

E Book “Network Networks are currently often implemented in hardware that is installed and managed in-house, with all the advantages and disadvantages that this entails. But here too, service-oriented provision and management of network infrastructures are on the rise. In the new eBook “Network as a Service (NaaS)” we take a look at the possibilities and limitations of this approach and show who such offers/models from manufacturers and service providers are suitable for. We also examine the question of how much “intelligence” and automation such networks must have in order for the approach to be worthwhile and to be able to withstand daily use.

Less hardware – more network

The undisputed importance of the network and its resources, especially for business-critical IT applications, has so far been a major reason why many CIOs, system managers and administrators Tunisia Phone Number List have stopped from largely “converting” this area into software. But change is coming and NaaS promises more flexible, agile networks that can better adapt to the demands of modern IT and the business world. The first article in the eBook therefore takes a look at the basics and possibilities of this approach.

The market and the key players

As with almost all developments in IT, there are pioneers and laggards in the NaaS sector. Then there are the analysts and market observers who often see a trend as over when most companies cell phone number listing are still thinking about the new technology – we have looked at the analysts’ assessments and provide an overview of the NaaS market and the corresponding companies.

Agility, “intelligence” and automation through NaaS
Fast, uncomplicated to deploy and easy to operate – these are the features that providers of NaaS products always like to highlight. What is the truth behind such statements and are there already indications of a positive interaction with artificial intelligence?

NaaS requires security

Rented network infrastructures save maintenance cycles and simplify resource planning. However, they do not relieve IT managers of the responsibility to operate such a system securely in Bulk Database the overall IT services. So it is not only the administrator of the NaaS provider who has to think about security, the administrator on the customer side also has, as always, a whole range of security-related issues that need to be taken into account. Registered readers of IP-Insider can now download the eBook “Network as a Service (NaaS)” free of charge. Registration is also free and allows access to all previously published and future eBooks as well as all other content on our portal that requires registration.