Booster for Corporate The MIT Sloan Management Review (SMR) conducted a global survey on current developments in hybrid work together with Cisco. 1,561 employees from companies in 56 countries took part – including Germany, as well as from all industries and companies of all sizes. The MIT Sloan Management Review (SMR) is a research-based magazine from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Hybrid work improves corporate culture: According to the MIT study, working at distributed locations has not harmed corporate culture, but in many ways has even improved it. More than 90 percent of respondents confirm that remote work has a positive effect on corporate culture. In addition, 88 percent of respondents say that the alignment of corporate processes with corporate values has improved (47%) or not changed (41%).
It is not the place of work
But the quality of leadership that increases the feeling of belonging: 83 percent of participants trust their leaders to strengthen the general feeling of belonging. This means that managers and executives set an example of inclusion and fairness. 80 percent say that their superiors always or often encourage honest and open feedback. According to 76 percent, superiors avoid formulations that could exclude some people. And almost three quarters distribute important tasks to all employees and not just a few.
Hybrid work leads to greater employee engagement:
59 percent of respondents believe that the choice of work location should be free and not predetermined. 68 percent confirm that the freedom to choose where to work is an important factor Slovenia Phone Number List for employee engagement and well-being. This suggests that the reason for this desire lies in a good work-life balance.
“The reservations about home office and hybrid work are unfounded in practice – science shows that,” says Detlev Kühne, Director of SME Customers and responsible for the strategic development of hybrid work activities at Cisco Germany. “Hybrid work improves corporate culture. Leadership quality and culture are much more important than the place of work in creating a sense of belonging.”
For 89 percent, the feeling of diversity and integration has at least remained the same. 56 percent of Generation Z (born after 1995) even believe that diversity and integration have improved.
The wishes of the employees
In fact, most employees want hybrid work. However, they are quite realistic about the fact that this flexibility involves compromises. Only a few colleagues working from home (23%) expect the cell phone number listing same benefits as office workers, such as childcare, gym memberships or commuting costs. 62 percent have little or no concern that the wage gap between home office and office employees could widen. Only 22 percent think it is important that the costs of working from home are reimbursed. However, companies must also ensure a correspondingly high level of IT security for home offices.
Office as a place for teamwork – not for career
In addition, employees are realizing that the meaning of the office workplace is changing. They see the office as a place for optimal teamwork, not to be seen. The main benefits of being in the office include: increased creativity and collaboration, and learning and developing new skills.
Practical check: Cisco Experience Lab Tour
The Cisco Experience Lab Tour also highlighted the high Bulk Database relevance and need for discussion on Hybrid and Future of WorkIn six cities across Germany, Cisco presented innovative solutions for distributed working with the opportunity to test use cases and discuss challenges. All hardware and software was in a specially converted trailerinstalled by Fendt Caravan, including self-sufficient power and internet supply.