It grows and During the coronavirus pandemic. People are more dependent on digital applications than ever before. Internet exchanges are at the forefront of accelerated digitalization. As part of the critical Internet infrastructure. They must connect thousands of networks quickly, securely and smoothly.
Streaming instead of cinema, working from home instead of in the office. Friends meeting virtually instead of in a café: It was clear early on that Corona is acting as a driver of digitalization. As early as March, shortly before the first lockdown in Germany, a record data throughput of 9 TBit/s was observed at DE-CIX in Frankfurt. Data traffic showed increases in all areas. But especially in home office (e.g. through collaboration tools such as Teams, VPN use or video conferences) and entertainment applications (e.g. online and cloud gaming or streaming). The next record followed at the beginning of November during the nationwide “lockdown light” with 10 TBit/s .
It grows and An increase in data traffic was also clearly noticeable at other DE-CIX locations around the world – such as New York, Madrid, Mumbai or Dubai. Of course, the virus and its consequences, e.g. in the form of a changed home office and leisure culture, are not the only factor driving up data traffic. In addition to current events and seasonal influences. Such as the so-called summer slump, the expansion of streaming services that has been taking place for years. As well as cloud computing, mobile Internet, real-time communication, developments and innovations as well as the progressive automation of technologies (such as 5G , Internet of Things or artificial intelligence) play a decisive role.
It grows and More data in less space
It grows and Data traffic is growing and the demand for bandwidth is increasing. Internet nodes are well equipped to meet these challenges: On the one hand, they can immediately upgrade the connections of UK Phone Number List existing customers, for example by upgrading a 10 Gigabit Ethernet port to a 100GE port . In addition, new networks that want to benefit from the advantages of peering, i.e. a direct connection to and between different networks via an Internet node, can be quickly connected. In this way, data packets reach their destination as quickly as possible, securely, cost-effectively and in full.
Cloud connectivity is particularly in demand in order to be able to establish dedicate access from companies to cloud service providers (e.g. Google Cloud, AWS or Microsoft Azure) – increasing data volumes and increasingly critical business applications require these dedicat connections .Order to permanently meet all of these needs. Sufficient capacity must be plann. Hoarding” bandwidth in the positive sense, to put it in Corona parlance. In this way, internet nodes worldwide can ensure full networking at all times.
In order to meet the ever-growing demand for bandwidth
Internet nodes are also relying on innovative access technologies such as 400GE ports. The DE-CIX in Frankfurt, for example. Has seen a sharp increase in demand for these. The high data throughput that such a 400GE port can handle not only guarantees sufficient bandwidth. Since the physical size of the devices remains cell phone number listing the same. The technology also leads to major material savings compared to providing the same bandwidth with more ports with lower data throughput. Energy efficiency is also a positive aspect, since with higher data throughput less energy needs to be used per bit. In the future there will even be 800GE ports – this development is essential to counteract the effects of digital change, support economic growth and protect the environment at the same time.
High data traffic means growing responsibility
Due to the increase demand for interconnection, peering, cloud connectivity, etc. It is imperative that all parties involv are prepar for the increasing data traffic. It is also Bulk Database necessary to think outside the box: only by constantly monitoring developments and planning extensively in advance is it possible to meet the responsibility towards partners and customers. End users and the environment.