Generating images for push notifications

This network was developed by OpenAI, and today  Generating images for push notifications it is the most powerful generative network in the world. The input to the network is a text description of the task to be generated and input data.

Example of generating push text using

Task for generation and input data:

automation of push notifications

Here are the text options suggested by the neural network

Alexandra! This is the last chance to buy a subscription Germany Cell Phone Number List with an 80% discount. Hurry to order a personal offer before the end of the day!

Alexandra, last chance to buy a subscription with an 80% discount! This is a personal offer, so don’t miss this opportunity.

Hello, Alexandra! You have the last chance to buy a subscription with a discount of 80%. This is a personal offer, so you will not be able to find it anywhere else. Accept your offer now and save your money!

Localization of push notifications

If the application has an international audience, then an important task when sending push notifications is localizing their texts.

For each push campaign, translators need to translate the text of the push notifications into all the languages ​​supported by the application. But why, if this process can be automated using Germany Phone Number Address the GPT-3 neural network. You only need to specify the original text of the push notification and give the task to translate it into any other supported language.

One way to increase the probability of opening

A push is to add thematic images to the push itself. However, creating a new image for each campaign can be problematic. And if the number of user segments to which push campaigns Bulk Database with individual images are planned is significant, then creating the content can take a long time.

For these purposes, you can use the DALL-E-2 neural network from OpenAI.

This is one of the most powerful networks for generating images from text descriptions. As an input, you can specify a text description of the image, which is supposed to be added to the push when sending.