5 Tech Trends for 2023

Better connect different clouds The cloud is now an integral part of the IT infrastructure of almost every company. But it can also become a risk if you only focus on one – the “cloud concentration risk”To avoid becoming dependent on a single provider, more and more companies are opting for a multi-cloud strategy. This also has the advantage that companies can select the best offers from different providers in order to put together an individual cloud service portfolio. However, such a distributed infrastructure also presents new challenges and encourages the creation of silos. Individual applications or workloads could be “trapped” in just one specific cloud. In addition, some providers offer proprietary cloud applications that are only accessible from their own platform.

Cloud-to-cloud connectivity is key to being able to work efficiently in this complex environment. In 2023, we will see cloud routers spread across interconnection platforms. They ensure high-performance connections with low latency and high bandwidth between the different clouds. This improves interoperability between cloud environments and enables data to be synchronized, even if it is located in different applications with different providers. This gives multi-cloud a further boost as the structures are easier to manage and offer additional protection for critical company data.

2. 5G continues to grow

Unlike previous generations of mobile networks, 5G is not a single technology. Instead, it is a series of different standards that encompass various features at multiple levels. These include the frequency used, modulation and multiplexing, and latency. Even though 5G has been a media topic for years and many Lebanon Phone Number List smartphones now have the standard, widespread adoption is still at an early stage. As companies begin to use and market 5G on a large scale for the Internet of Things, for example, the technology stack will evolve to meet growing commercial requirements.

5G is a real milestone in the history of technology: it can enable peak data rates of up to 20 GBit/s, with up to one million connected devices per square kilometer. Data transmission takes place with a latency of just one millisecond. With these performance values, 5G has the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry. Manufacturers from the automotive industry such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, VW and Ford, for example, rely on their own 5G campus networks for industrial IoT applications. The full potential of 5G will only be revealed within the next ten years, but we can expect further exciting use cases as early as 2023.

3. Build resilient connectivity

Networking is essential for digital companies. However, impending failures in power or telecommunications networks could cut them off from important data. Against this background, the development of a redundant infrastructure is becoming increasingly important. In the new year, companies will increasingly focus on how they can protect their connections from failures through redundancy. By setting up several layers of redundancy, it is possible to design a Cell Phone Number Database company’s digital infrastructure for critical data flows in such a way that “single points of failure” are avoided. Redundancy refers to various areas: using servers, routers and other network components of different designs and from different manufacturers. In addition, there is the ensuring of the geographical distribution of data storage across several data centers and the use of redundant, non-overlapping fiber optic lines to connect the various locations, as well as business relationships with different (cloud) providers to avoid concentration risks.

4. Code-base networks: Tellus takes root

Digital infrastructures are becoming increasingly important for companies, but also more complex and difficult to manage, which is causing IT teams to face increasing problems. This is where “Network as Code” comes into play. This technology allows network architectures to be mappe as software using programmable Bulk Database components. This allows all the advantages of a software solution to be use, such as repeatability, versioning and continuous configuration automation. The Tellus project, which is part of the European infrastructure initiative Gaia-X. Is creating such an environment that includes the entire value chain of interconnection services.

It is a software-base network with integrate software instances and homogeneous interfaces that goes beyond the boundaries of individual providers and remains independent of the public Internet, although it uses its infrastructure. The TellusX software is install on devices as well as on components of cloud and network services. All tellus-enable devices, providers and services can communicate with each other automatically, announce their requirements and confirm compliance with them. This enables secure. High-performance and automate connections between specific locations and to cloud service providers. That are configure for the respective use case – without manual configuration effort.