When will the breakthrough come?

When will the When it comes to modern industrial communication technology, there is no getting around the trending topic of Single Pair Ethernet . The first components such as connectors, cables and PHYs (Physical Layers) have been available for a few months.

Device manufacturers can now produce the first prototypes to establish end-to-end Ethernet-base communication and make the oft-quoted slogan “From sensor to cloud” a reality.

Available components for Single Pair Ethernet

The cables for Single Pair Ethernet – or SPE for short – are described in the standards IEC 61156-11/-12/-13 and -14. These four new standards for SPE cables define both fixed and flexible installation.

At this point in time, the standards 61156-11 and 61156-12 have already been published. They define the requirements for transmission frequencies up to 600 MHz with a transmission length of up to 40 m – and are suitable for the standards 100BASE-T1 and 1000BASE-T1 .

Since autumn 2020, Phoenix Contact has been offering the first connectors for consistent connection technology for Single Pair Ethernet. The range includes both compact IP20 connectors and IP -protect M8 connectors for connecting sensors.

In order to connect these two worlds

A consistent connector face was designed. This saves the user adapters and additional costs and thus fully meets the core objectives of Single Pair Ethernet: “compactness and consistency” (Figure 1).

The IP20 connectors, which are standardized Palestine phone number list according to IEC 63171-2, form what is probably the most compact connector face in the entire series of standards for SPE connectors. The IP20 range includes both pre-assembled patch cables in various lengths and compact device connections for the reflow soldering process in various designs.

A field-assembled connector with insulation displacement connector (IDC) will be launch in the middle of the year. The IDC connector with a die-cast zinc housing meets the robust requirements of industrial applications.

This makes cabling in the field more convenient and more flexible in terms of cable selection.

M8 format: SPE connectors and patch cables

The IP-protected product range in the M8 design is standardize according to IEC 63171-5 and also includes pre-assemble patch cables with different cable types for different applications and device connections in the standard M8 design.

Standard M8 components offer the device manufacturer cell phone number listing a simple design-in and greater flexibility in cabling. Existing housing geometries and wall feedthroughs can be adopt and equipp with SPE inserts. These inserts are available in straight and angle versions and for different soldering processes – THR and SMD. With the launch of the M8 program in autumn 2020, series items for connecting compact SPE sensors will be available on the market for the first time (Figure 2).

Networks: The SPE System Alliance

Right from the start of development activities for a new connector face for SPE, it became clear that Single Pair Ethernet is not just a connector issue. It is about all affect infrastructure components: from the PHY to the cable to the sensor.

The SPE System Alliance network, co-found by Phoenix Bulk Database Contact, has been in existence for over a year. Leading technology companies from various industries and application areas have join together in a register association to pool their know-how and exchange it in a target manner.

By focusing on a cross-industry and cross-application exchange platform, companies from all areas of the SPE ecosystem come together. All partners in the alliance share the goal of further advancing SPE for the Industrial Internet of Things ( IIoT ).

SPE ecosystem for different applications

The SPE System Alliance does not stand for a specific connector system or product. Regardless of the individual positions of the System Alliance members. The association generally maintains its neutrality and manufacturer independence with regard to products. The aim of the System Alliance’s activities is rather to promote SPE technology.